Course curriculum

    1. Summary of Principle 1

    2. Intro: Check in

    3. Part 2: Finding your "Interest style"

    4. What's next?

    1. Summary

    2. Bonus video: Understand the assignment

    1. Summary of Principle 3

    2. Intro: Build the frame

    3. Part 2: Choosing the main points

    4. Part 3: Putting your points in order

    5. Part 4: Planning your connections

    6. What's next?

    1. Summary of Principle 4

    2. Intro: Fill in the gaps like a teacher

    3. Part 2: Beware the direct quotation!

    4. Part 3: Tips for when you are stuck

    5. What's next?

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content
  • Learn to write strong essays with confidence and efficiency! Content covers the types of essays assigned at the high school and college levels.
  • The course is led by Dr. Amy G. Tan, a highly experienced, creative, and engaging instructor with years of experience teaching students at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

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